You can change the font or font size that's used in printed notes. Change the font or font size for printed notes Learn more details about Presenter View in the article, Start the presentation and see your notes in Presenter view. To increase or decrease the size of the text in the Notes pane, use the buttons at the lower left corner of the Notes pane: The text wraps automatically, and a vertical scroll bar appears, if necessary. On the Slide Show tab, in the Start Slide Show group on the left, select From Beginning. On the Slide Show tab, ensure that Use Presenter View is selected. In Presenter View, you can increase or decrease the size of the text in the Notes box. You see the notes, but your audience only sees your slides. Presenter View shows your notes on the right side of your screen as you present. Change the font size in Presenter View for an on-screen presentation Once you've done the procedure above, you add character or paragraph formatting as you would normally expect: First you select the text you want to apply the formatting to, then you apply it. On the View tab, switch back to Normal view. Right-click the Outline pane on the left side, and select Show Text Formatting on the pop-up menu. To be able to see text formatting in the Notes pane, first you must turn formatting on: